Prof. Dr. Ulf Schmidt
Deutsche Geschichte
Qian Lu
Tel.: +49 40 42838-9054
Centre for the Study of Health, Ethics and Society
- History of Post-War Europe (East/West)
- History of Medicine and Medical Ethics
- History of Global Health Ethics and Human Rights
- History of Human Experimentation
- History of the Cold War
- History of Modern Germany, 20th and 21st Centuries
- History of Weimar Germany
- History of German National Socialism and the Third Reich
- History of Post-War Germany (GDR/FRG)
- History of Medical War Crimes
- History of Eugenics
- History of Conflict and Violence
- History of Chemical and Biological Weapons
- History of Propaganda
Biographische Notiz
- 2020–present Professor of Modern History, University of Hamburg, Germany
- 2007–2020 Professor of Modern History, University of Kent, Canterbury
- 2019–2020 Research Excellence Framework (REF) Coordinator, School of History / Division of Humanities
- 2015–2018 Director of Research (DoR), School of History
- 2010–2020 Founding Director of the Centre for the History of Medicine, Ethics and Medical Humanities, University of Kent
- 2005–2007 Senior Lecturer, University of Kent
- 2002–2005 Lecturer (Grade B), University of Kent
- 2001–2002 Lecturer (Grade A), University of Kent
- 1997–2000 Postdoctoral Research Fellows, University of Oxford
Ulf Schmidt (2019), Secret Science: A Century of Poison Warfare and Human Experiments (OUP, Oxford, 2019, paperback edition). 637 pages. ISBN 978-0198833802
Ulf Schmidt et al. eds. (2019), Propaganda and Conflict: War, Media and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century (London, Bloomsbury, 2019) 380 pages. ISBN 978-1788314039
Schmidt, U. (2015). Secret Science: A Century of Poison Warfare and Human Experiments. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Schmidt, U. (2009). Hitlers Arzt Karl Brandt: Medizin Und Macht Im Dritten Reich. Aufbau Verlag.
Schmidt, U. (2007). Karl Brandt, the Nazi Doctor: Medicine and Power in the Third Reich. London, UK: Continuum.
Schmidt, U. (2004). Justice at Nuremberg: Leo Alexander and the Nazi Doctors’ Trial. UK: Palgrave/Macmillan.
- Schmidt, U. (2002). Medical Films, Ethics and Euthanasia in Germany, 1933-1945. Germany: Husum, Matthiesen.
- Ulf Schmidt, Kate Docking, David Peace eds. (2026), Gender, Sex, and Medicine in Post-War Europe: Beyond Binaries(Bloomsbury, London, 2025/26, contracted, forthcoming)
- Ulf Schmidt, Will Studdert eds. (2025), Rethinking Cooperation in Cold War Europe. Difficult Friendships across the “Nylon Curtain” (Bloomsbury, London, 2025, contracted, forthcoming)
- Ulf Schmidt, Kate Docking, Andreas Frewer, David Peace eds. (2024/25), Leo Alexander at the Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial. The Nuremberg Diary and Correspondence (Franz Steiner, Stuttgart, 2024/25, in press).
- Martin Köttering, Ulf Schmidt eds. (2023), Imagining Health. Exhibition Catalogue 2022 (Hamburg, Materialverlag HfBK Hamburg, 2023).
- Ulf Schmidt, Andreas Frewer, Dominique Sprumont eds. (2020), Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation (OUP, Oxford, New York, 2020) 580 pages. ISBN: 9780190224172. Erhältlich unter:
- Connelly, M., Schmidt, U. and Goebel, S. (2019). Propaganda and Conflict: War, Media and Shaping the Twentieth Century. [Online]. Connelly, M. L., Fox, J., Schmidt, U. and Goebel, S. P. eds. Bloomsbury Academic. Erhältlich unter:
- Schmidt, U. and Frewer, A. (2014). Forschung Als Herausforderungen für Ethik Und Menschenrechte. 50 Jahre Deklaration Von Helsinki, 1964-2014. [Online]. Schmidt, U. and Frewer, A. eds. Koln: Deutscher Ärzteverlag. Erhältlich unter:
- Frewer, A., Schmidt, U. (2007). Standards Der Forschung. Historische Entwicklung Und Ethische Grundlagen Klinischer Studien [Klinische Ethik. Biomedizin und Praxis, Bd. 1], Peter Lang.
- Schmidt, U. and Frewer, A. eds. (2007). History and Theory of Human Experimentation: The Declaration of Helsinki and Modern Medical Ethics. Vol. 2. Stuttgard: Franz Steiner Verlag.
- Ulf Schmidt, Will Studdert, Edward Corse (2024), ‘Ambivalent Allies: Anglo-Polish Relations through Medical and Scientific Exchanges, 1939-1956’, Slavonic and East European Review (accepted for publication, 2024).
- Ulf Schmidt (2024), ‘Grounding the history of modern warfare: An extended book review of Peter Thompson’s The Gas Mask in Interwar Germany’, Natural Sciences, 4 (2024), No. 1, 1-4.
Jonathan Moreno, Judit Sándor, Ulf Schmidt (2022), ‘Autonomy and Social Responsibility: The Post-Pandemic Challenge’, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 65 (2022), No. 3, 426-441.
Ulf Schmidt (2021), ‘From Nuremberg to Helsinki: Historicising Research Ethics during Health Crisis’, Clinical Evaluation, 49 (2021), Suppl XXXVIII, pp. 149-153.
Jonathan Moreno, Judit Sándor, Ulf Schmidt (2021), ‘The Vaccination Cold War’, Hastings Centre Journal (2021), 12-17. Erhältlich unter:
Schmidt, U. (2019). Creating a ‘FatherConfessor’: the origins of research ethics committees in UK military medical research, 1950–1970. Part II, origins and organisation. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps [Online] 165:291-297. Erhältlich unter:
Schmidt, U. (2019). Creating a ‘FatherConfessor’: the origins of research ethics committees in UK military medical research, 1950–1970. Part I, context and causes. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps [Online] 165:284-290. Available at:
Schmidt, U. (2013). Ohne Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben. Hitlers Arzt Karl Brandt. Damals [Online]:24-29. Available at:
Schmidt, U. (2007). Turning the history of medical ethics from its head onto its feet: A critical commentary on Baker and McCullough. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 17:31-42.
Schmidt, U. (2006). Cold War at Porton Down: Informed Consent in Britain’s Biological and Chemical Warfare Experiments. Cambridge Quarterly for Healthcare Ethics [Online] 15:366-380. Available at:
Schmidt, U. (2005). The Scars of Ravensbrück: Medical Experiments and British War Crimes Policy, 1945-1950. German History 23:20-49.
Schmidt, U. (2002). Medicina e Nazismo. Sistema Salute 2:9-18.
Schmidt, U., Frewer, A., Gottschalk, K., Malzig, U. and Zimmermann, V. (2001). Zwangsarbeit und Medizin im “Dritten Reich". Deutsches Ärzteblatt [Online]:2866-2870. Available at:
Schmidt, U. (2001). Der medizinische Forschungsfilm im Dritten Reich: Seine Institutionalisierung, politische Funktion und ethische Dimension. Zeitgeschichte 4:200-214.
- Schmidt, U. (2001). Discussing Slave Labourers in Nazi Germany: Topography of Research or Politics of Memory?. German History [Online] 19:408-417. Available at:
Ulf Schmidt (2024): ‘The Holocaust and the Medical Professions’, in: Roseman, M., (ed.), Cambridge History of the Holocaust, vol. 4 (Jockusch, L., Pendas, D., eds.) (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, in press)
- Ulf Schmidt (2024): ‘Thanatology and the Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial: Conceptualizing the “Science of Killing”’, in: Reginbogin, H., Breger, M.J. (eds.), Nuremberg Principles and Ukraine: The Contemporary Challenges to Peace, Security, and Justice (Lanham, Lexington Books, in press).
Ulf Schmidt (2023), ‘From Nuremberg to Helsinki: Historicising the Codification of Post-War Research Ethics’, in: Kurihara, C., Dhai, A., Greco, D. (eds.), Ethical Innovation for Global Health: Pandemic, Democracy and Ethics in Research (Springer, Berlin), pp. 149-174.
Ulf Schmidt, Martin Köttering (2023), ‘Preface’, in: Köttering, M., Schmidt, U. (eds.), Imagining Health. Exhibition Catalogue 2022 (Hamburg, Materialverlag HfBK Hamburg, 2023), p. 3.
Ulf Schmidt, Dominique Sprumont; Andreas Frewer (2020): ‘Introduction: The Limits of Altruism’, in: Schmidt, U., Frewer, A., Sprumont, D. (eds.), Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation (Oxford, New York, OUP, 2020), pp. 1-43.
Ulf Schmidt (2020), ‘In the Absence of Alternatives: The Origins and Success of the Helsinki Declaration, 1947-1982’, in: Schmidt, U., Frewer, A., Sprumont, D. (eds.), Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation (Oxford, New York, OUP, 2020), pp. 101-130.
Ulf Schmidt, Markus Wahl (2020), ‘Doctors and Research Behind the Iron Curtain: Medical Ethics Debates and the Declaration of Helsinki in East Germany (1961-1989)’, in: Schmidt, U., Frewer, A., Sprumont, D. (eds.), Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation (Oxford, New York, OUP, 2020), pp. 167-189.
Dominique Sprumont, Ulf Schmidt, Andreas Frewer (2020): ‘Some Reflections on Research Ethics’, in: Schmidt, U., Frewer, A., Sprumont, D. (eds.), Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki—Past, Present and Future of Human Experimentation (Oxford, New York, OUP, 2020), pp. 551-553.
Ulf Schmidt (2020), ‘Chronopoiesis – The Making of Time’, in: McGrath, D., Project Cleansweep – Beyond the Post-Military Landscape of the United Kingdom, stand-alone essay (Kehrer Verlag, 2020), pp. 200-211.
Ulf Schmidt et al. eds. (2019), Prologue: ‘Power and Persuasion’: Propaganda into the twenty-first century’, in: (with Mark Connelly, Jo Fox, Stefan Goebel, Ulf Schmidt eds.), Propaganda and Conflict: War, Media and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century (London, New York, I.B. Tauris, 2019), pp. 1-12.
Ulf Schmidt et al. eds. (2019), ‘Part I: The First World War and Inter-war Period’, in: (with Mark Connelly, Jo Fox, Stefan Goebel, Ulf Schmidt eds.), Propaganda and Conflict: War, Media and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century (London, New York, I.B. Tauris, 2019), pp. 15-19.
Ulf Schmidt, Katja Schmidt-Mai (2019): ‘Art under Dictatorship: Propaganda, Plunder, and Provenance’, in: (with Mark Connelly, Jo Fox, Stefan Goebel, Ulf Schmidt eds.), Propaganda and Conflict: War, Media and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century (London, New York, I.B. Tauris, 2019), pp. 57-89.
Ulf Schmidt et al. eds. (2019), ‘Part II: The Second World War’, in: (with Mark Connelly, Jo Fox, Stefan Goebel, Ulf Schmidt eds.), Propaganda and Conflict: War, Media and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century (London, New York, I.B. Tauris, 2019), pp. 93-97.
Ulf Schmidt et al. eds. (2019), ‘Part III: Post-War and Cold War’, in: (with Mark Connelly, Jo Fox, Stefan Goebel, Ulf Schmidt eds.), Propaganda and Conflict: War, Media and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century (London, New York, I.B. Tauris, 2019), pp. 185-190.
Ulf Schmidt (2018), ‘Sozialhygienische Filme und Propaganda in der Weimarer Republik’, in: Baader, G., Peter, J. (eds.), Public Health, Eugenik und Rassenhygiene in der Weimarer Republik und im Nationalsozialismus (Mabuse Verlag Frankfurt am Main, 2018), pp. 79-118.
Schmidt, U. (2017). Preparing for Poison Warfare: The Ethics and Politics of Britain’s Chemical Weapons Program, 1915–1945. In: One Hundred Years of Chemical Warfare: Research, Deployment, Consequences. Springer, pp. 77-104. Available at:
Schmidt, U. (2015). Geschichte und Ethik in der DDR-Medizin. In: Medizinethik in Der DDR. Moralische Und Menschenrechtliche Fragen Im Gesundheitswesen. Franz Steiner Verlag, pp. 205-211.
Schmidt, U. and Wahl, M. (2014). Ärzte hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang: Medizinethische Diskurse und die Deklaration von Helsinki in der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1961-1989. In: Forschung Als Herausforderungen für Ethik Und Menschenrechte. 50 Jahre Deklaration Von Helsinki, 1964-2014. Jahrbuch Medizinethik, pp. 71-86.
Schmidt, U. and Frewer, A. (2014). Geschichte und Ethik der Humanforschung. 50 Jahre Deklaration von Helsinki. Zur Einführung. In: Forschung Als Herausforderungen für Ethik Und Menschenrechte. 50 Jahre Deklaration Von Helsinki, 1964-2014. Jahrbuch Medizinethik, pp. 9-13.
Schmidt, U. and Frewer, A. (2014). The Declaration of Helsinki as a Landmark for Research Ethics – Protecting Human Participants in Modern Medicine. In: The World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, 1964-2014. 50 Years of Evolution of Medical Research Ethics. Koln: Deutscher Ärzteverlag, pp. 56-57.
Schmidt, U. (2014). Karl Brandt, médecin de Hitler. In: Une médecine De Mort. Du Code De Nuremberg à l’éthique médicale Contemporaine. Paris: Vendémiaire Éditions, pp. 55-68.
Schmidt, U. (2013). Accidents and Experiments: Nazi Chemical Warfare Research and Medical Ethics during the Second World War. In: Carrick, D. G. and Gross, M. L. eds. Military Medical Ethics for the 21st Century (Military and Defence Ethics). Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 225-244.
Schmidt, U. (2012). Justifying Chemical Warfare’. The Origins and Ethics of Britain’s Chemical Warfare Programme, 1915-1939. In: Welch, D. and Fox, J. eds. Justifying War: Propaganda, Politics and the Modern Age. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 129-158.
Schmidt, U. (2012). Reflections on the Origins of the Declaration of Helsinki. In: Jahrbuch Medizinethik. Deutscher Ärzte Verlag.
Schmidt, U. (2011). "Holding One’s Breath": Reflections on the Origins of the Declaration of Helsinki. In: Die Deklaration Von Helsinki: Revisionen Und Kontroversen. Germany: Deutscher Ärzte Verlag, pp. 1-16.
Schmidt, U. (2011). "Holding Ones’ Breath": Reflections on the Origins of the Declaration of Helsinki. In: Ehni, H.-J. and Wiesing, U. eds. Jahrbuch Medizinethik. Deutscher Ärzte Verlag, pp. 1-17.
Schmidt, U. (2009). Medical Ethics and Nazism. In: McCullough, L. B. and Baker, R. eds. The Cambridge World History of Medical Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 595-608.
Schmidt, U. (2008). The Scars of Ravensbrück: Medical Experiments and British War Crimes Policy, 1945-1950. In: Atrocities on Trial. Historical Perspectives on the Politics of Prosecuting German War Crimes. University of Nebraska Press, pp. 123-157.
Schmidt, U. (2007). The Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial and the Nuremberg Code. In: History and Theory of Human Experimentation. The Declaration of Helsinki and Modern Medical Ethics. Franz Steiner, pp. 71-116.
Schmidt, U. (2007). Medical Ethics and Human Experimentation at Porton Down: Informed Consent in Britain’s Biological and Chemical Warfare Experiments. In: History and Theory of Human Experimentation. The Declaration of Helsinki and Modern Medical Ethics. Franz Steiner, pp. 283-313.
Schmidt, U. (2007). History and Ethics of Human Experimentation: The Twisted Road to Helsinki. In: History and Theory of Human Experimentation. The Declaration of Helsinki and Modern Medical Ethics. Franz Steiner, pp. 7-23.
Schmidt, U. (2007). Nuremberg Code of Medical Ethics: Geschichte und Ethik des Ärzteprozesses. In: Standards Der Forschung. Historische Entwicklung Und Ethische Grundlagen Klinischer Studien. Peter Lang, pp. 37-73.
Schmidt, U. (2007). Zur Medizinethik des Humanexperiments. Standards und Stand der Forschung. In: Standards Der Forschung. Historische Entwicklung Und Ethische Grundlagen Klinischer Studien. Peter Lang, pp. 7-16.
Schmidt, U., Frewer, A. and Wolters, C. (2004). Hilfskräfte, Hausschwangere, Untersuchungsobjekte. Der Umgang mit Zwangsarbeitenden in der Universitätsfrauenklinik Göttingen. In: Medizin Und Zwangsarbeit Im Nationalsozialismus. Einsatz Und Behandlung Von “Ausländern” Im Gesundheitswesen. Campus Verlag.
- Schmidt, U. (2001).Der Ärzteprozeß als moralische Instanz? Der Nürnberger Kodex und das Problem “zeitloser Medizinethik.” In: Medizingeschichte Und Medizinethik 1900 – 1950. Campus Fachbuch, pp. 334-373.
Conferences & Konferenzen
- 2024: (with J. Farley; W. Studdert): GDR Goes Glocal. Culture, Cooperation, and Conflict, International conference, University of Hamburg, 13 &14 June 2024.
- 2023: (with A. Kassabova/J. Sándor/V. Hess): Tensions and Intensions in Post-War Public Health in Europe (ERC Project conference), Brocher Foundation, Switzerland, 17-19 October 2023.
- 2023: (with B. Friedrich/P. Walker): Thirty Years of Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC): Histories, Achievements, Challenges, Harnack-Haus, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max-Planck-Society, Berlin, 5-6 October 2023.
- 2023: (with K. Docking; D. Peace): Beyond Binaries. Gender, Sexuality, and Medicine in Postwar Europe, International conference, University of Hamburg, 9 & 10 June 2023.
- 2022: (with W. Studdert): Across the Nylon Curtain: Cold War Cooperation and Trans-Systemic Exchanges, International conference, University of Hamburg, 29 September to 1 October 2022.
- 2022: (with UHH Taming the Leviathan Team): Workshop on Post-War Medicine, Ethics and the Public Sphere, Hamburg University, 6/7 June 2022.
- 2021: (with UHH Taming the Leviathan Team): Hybrid Workshop on Visions of Health: Exploring Post-War Medicine and Medical Ethics, Hamburg University, 10/11 November 2021.
- 2021: (with B. Schwappach-Pignataro/K. Grünewald): Online Workshop on Gateways to Health: How Pathogens Shape the World, Hamburg University, 19 February 2021.
- 2019: (with B. Balmer/C. McLeash): International Workshop on CBW and the Public Sphere, Canterbury Cathedral Precincts, 1-3 May 2019.
- 2018: (with B. Balmer/C. McLeash): International Workshop on The History of Nerve Agents and the CWC, Canterbury Cathedral Precincts, 1 + 2 May 2018.
- 2018: (with V. Stoyanova): International Workshop on Post-war Medicine and the European Leviathan, Canterbury Cathedral Precincts, 23 + 24 February 2018.
- 2014: (with M. Connelly, J. Fox, S. Goebel). International Conference on Propaganda and the Shaping of the 20thCentury. A Symposium in Honour of David Welch, Canterbury Cathedral Precincts, 15 + 16 May 2014.
- 2013: (with A. Frewer; D. Sprumont). Lead organiser of major externally-funded (Wellcome Trust/Brocher/Thyssen) international conference on Research Within Bounds: Protecting Human Participants in Modern Medicine – The Declaration of Helsinki, 1964-2014 at the Brocher Foundation, Hermance, Switzerland, 12 + 13 September 2013.
- 2012: Wellcome Trust-funded follow-up expert workshop at the German Historical Institute, Moscow, in preparation for Wellcome Trust exhibition The War of Nerves: Secret Science during the Cold War
- 2012: Workshop From Nerve Gas to Neurons: Military Medical Research in the Cold War and the War on Terror (jointly with Prof. J.D. Moreno), Department for the History and Sociology of Science and Technology (DHSST), University of Pennsylvania.
- 2011: Co-organiser of an international expert workshop in preparation for a Wellcome Trust exhibition The War of Nerves: Secret Science during the Cold War (with James Peto and David Welch), Wellcome Collection, May 2011.
- 2006: Organiser of the expert conference on The History and Ethics of Porton Down: Perspectives and Work in Progress, International Studies Centre, Cathedral Precincts, Canterbury, October 2006.
- 2004: Co-organiser of the expert conference on The Standards of Research: 40 Years of the Declaration of Helsinki: Progress in Medical Ethics? (with Andreas Frewer), Leibnitzhaus, Hanover, Germany, October 2004
- Martin Köttering, Ulf Schmidt eds. (2023), Imagining Health. Exhibition Catalogue 2022 (Hamburg, Materialverlag HfBK Hamburg, 2023).
- Schmidt, U. (2014). Review of Pathogens for War. Biological Weapons, Canadian Life Scientists, and North American Biodefence. Donald Avery. Social History of Medicine 27:827-829.
- Schmidt, U. (2003). Review of Die Institutionalisierung der Medizinhistoriographie: Entwicklungslinien vom 19. ins 20. Jahrhundert. Social History of Medicine:147-148.
- Schmidt, U. (2003). Review of Science in the Third Reich. History 88:170-171.
Aktuelle Projekte
- Taming the European Leviathan - Knowing Vaccines: Innovative Training Network. Policies, Practices, People - Kidditorial - Poisoned Isle - Medical Utopias in Art
Workshops & Konferenzen
- 2024: (with J. Farley; W. Studdert): GDR Goes Glocal. Culture, Cooperation, and Conflict, International conference, University of Hamburg, 13 &14 June 2024.
- 2023: (with A. Kassabova/J. Sándor/V. Hess): Tensions and Intensions in Post-War Public Health in Europe (ERC Project conference), Brocher Foundation, Switzerland, 17-19 October 2023.
- 2023: (with B. Friedrich/P. Walker): Thirty Years of Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC): Histories, Achievements, Challenges, Harnack-Haus, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max-Planck-Society, Berlin, 5-6 October 2023.
- 2023: (with K. Docking; D. Peace): Beyond Binaries. Gender, Sexuality, and Medicine in Postwar Europe, International conference, University of Hamburg, 9 & 10 June 2023.
- 2022: (with W. Studdert): Across the Nylon Curtain: Cold War Cooperation and Trans-Systemic Exchanges, International conference, University of Hamburg, 29 September to 1 October 2022.
- 2022: (with UHH Taming the Leviathan Team): Workshop on Post-War Medicine, Ethics and the Public Sphere, Hamburg University, 6/7 June 2022.
- 2021: (with UHH Taming the Leviathan Team): Hybrid Workshop on Visions of Health: Exploring Post-War Medicine and Medical Ethics, Hamburg University, 10/11 November 2021.
- 2021: (with B. Schwappach-Pignataro/K. Grünewald): Online Workshop on Gateways to Health: How Pathogens Shape the World, Hamburg University, 19 February 2021.
- 2019: (with B. Balmer/C. McLeash): International Workshop on CBW and the Public Sphere, Canterbury Cathedral Precincts, 1-3 May 2019.
- 2018: (with B. Balmer/C. McLeash): International Workshop on The History of Nerve Agents and the CWC, Canterbury Cathedral Precincts, 1 + 2 May 2018.
- 2018: (with V. Stoyanova): International Workshop on Post-war Medicine and the European Leviathan, Canterbury Cathedral Precincts, 23 + 24 February 2018.
- 2014: (with M. Connelly, J. Fox, S. Goebel). International Conference on Propaganda and the Shaping of the 20thCentury. A Symposium in Honour of David Welch, Canterbury Cathedral Precincts, 15 + 16 May 2014.
- 2013: (with A. Frewer; D. Sprumont). Lead organiser of major externally-funded (Wellcome Trust/Brocher/Thyssen) international conference on Research Within Bounds: Protecting Human Participants in Modern Medicine – The Declaration of Helsinki, 1964-2014 at the Brocher Foundation, Hermance, Switzerland, 12 + 13 September 2013.
- 2012: Wellcome Trust-funded follow-up expert workshop at the German Historical Institute, Moscow, in preparation for Wellcome Trust exhibition The War of Nerves: Secret Science during the Cold War
- 2012: Workshop From Nerve Gas to Neurons: Military Medical Research in the Cold War and the War on Terror (jointly with Prof. J.D. Moreno), Department for the History and Sociology of Science and Technology (DHSST), University of Pennsylvania.
- 2011: Co-organiser of an international expert workshop in preparation for a Wellcome Trust exhibition The War of Nerves: Secret Science during the Cold War (with James Peto and David Welch), Wellcome Collection, May 2011.
- 2006: Organiser of the expert conference on The History and Ethics of Porton Down: Perspectives and Work in Progress, International Studies Centre, Cathedral Precincts, Canterbury, October 2006.
- 2004: Co-organiser of the expert conference on The Standards of Research: 40 Years of the Declaration of Helsinki: Progress in Medical Ethics? (with Andreas Frewer), Leibnitzhaus, Hanover, Germany, October 2004
Aktuelle Projekte
Taming the European Leviathan -
Knowing Vaccines: Innovative Training Network. Policies, Practices, People -
Kidditorial -
Poisoned Isle -
Medical Utopias in Art