Prof. Dr. Eckart Woertz
Arbeitsbereich Globalgeschichte
nach Vereinbarung
- Lehre und Forschung zur Zeitgeschichte und Politik des Vorderen Orients und Nordafrikas
Biografische Notiz
1969 in Waiblingen geboren
Studium der Politikwissenschaft, Islamwissenschaft und Wirtschaftlichen Staatswissenschaft an der Friedrich- Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
DAAD Stipendiat am Institut Français d'Études Arabes de Damas und der Universität Damaskus
Studium an der Freien Universität Berlin
Promotion an der Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DFG Stipendiat
Arbeit für Banken in Fankfurt, Mainz und Dubai im Aktien- und Rentenhandel
Director of Economic Studies, Gulf Research Center (GRC), Dubai
Visiting Research Fellow, Princeton University
Senior Research Fellow, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB); Lehraufträge am Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), der American University of Beirut (AUB) und dem Policy Center of the New South in Rabat
KSP Visiting Professor, Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), Sciences Po, Paris
Scientific Advisor to the Kuwait Chair at Sciences Po, Paris
Seit 2019
Professor für Zeitgeschichte und Politik des Nahen Ostens, Universität Hamburg und
Direktor des Institute of Middle East Studies (IMES) am GIGA (German Institute of Global and Area Studies), Hamburg
- Oil for Food. The Global Food Crisis and the Middle East (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2013)
- The Crisis of Labour as Crisis of Trade Unions. The Independent Union Movement in Egypt, (in German), (University Erlangen-Nuremberg: 1999)
Edited Volumes and Special Issues
- “The Geopolitics of Renewable Energy Transitions in the MENA”, in Revisiting Natural Resources in the Middle East and North Africa, Luigi Narbone (ed.), (Florence: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, 2020)
- Crisis And Conflict in Agriculture (Wallingford, Oxfordshire: CABI, 2018) (co-edited with Rami Zurayk and Rachel Bahn)
- “Wise Cities” in the Mediterranean? Challenges of Urban Sustainability, (Barcelona: CIDOB, 2018)
- Secession and Counter-Secession: An International Relations Perspective (Barcelona: CIDOB, 2018) (co-edited with Diego Muro)
- Reconfiguración del Sur Global: África, América Latina y el “Siglo de Asia”, special issue in Afers Internacionals, Vol. 114, 2016 (co-edited with Karim El Aynaoui)
- Reconfiguration of the Global South: Africa, Latin America and the ‘Asian Century’ (Abingdon; New York: Routledge 2016, Europa Regional Perspectives Series)
- The MENA and Food Trade Relations with Tropical Countries, special section in Food Security, Vol. 7, Issue 6 (December 2015) (co-edited with Martin Keulertz, Mark Mulligan and Jeroen Warner)
- The Water-Energy Food Nexus in the Middle East and North Africa, Special issue of the International Journal of Water Resources Development, Vol. 31, Issue 3, 2015 (co-edited with Martin Keulertz and Tony Allan), also published as book with Routledge, 2016
- GCC Financial Markets: The World’s New Money Centers (ed.) (Berlin; London: Gerlach Press, 2012)
- Gulf Geo-Economics (ed.) (Dubai: Gulf Research Center, 2007)
Academic Journal Articles
- “Virtual water, international relations and the new geopolitics of food”, Water International, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2022, 1108-1117
- “Scorched earth tactics of the “Islamic State” after its loss of territory: intentional burning of farmland in Iraq and Syria”, Regional Environmental Change, Vol. 22, 2022 (with Hadi Jaafar and Lara Sujud)
- Woertz, Eckart / Soler i Lecha , Eduard (2020), Populism and Euro-Mediterranean cooperation: The Barcelona Process 25 years after, in: Mediterranean Politics, online first.
- Woertz, Eckart (2020), Wither the self-sufficiency illusion? Food security in Arab Gulf States and the impact of COVID-19, in: Food Security, 12, 757–760.
- “Iraq under UN Embargo (1990-2003): Food Security, Agriculture, and Regime Survival,” Middle East Journal, Vol. 73, Issue 1, (spring 2019) 92-111. doi:
- “Embeddedness of the MENA in Economic Globalization Processes,” in MENARA: Middle East and North Africa Regional Architecture, Foreign Policy Review, ed. Erszébet N. Rósza (Budapest: Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2019), 107-205 (with Irene Martinez)
- “Food Security in Iraq: Results from Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys,” Food Security, Vol. 9, Issue 3, (2017) 511-522.
- “Agriculture and Development in the Wake of the Arab Spring,” International Development Policy, Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2017).
- "Agriculture as a Funding Source of ISIS: A GIS and remote sensing analysis," Food Policy, Vol. 64, October 2016, 14–25 (with Hadi Jaafar).
- “The MENA and Food Trade Relations with Tropical Countries,” Food Security, Vol. 7, Issue 6 (December 2015), 1101-1111 (with Martin Keulertz). doi:
- “States as Actors in International Agro-Investments,” International Development Policy, Volume 6, Issue 1, September 2015 (with Martin Keulertz).
- "The Water–Food–Energy Nexus: An Introduction to Nexus Concepts and Some Conceptual and Operational Problems." International Journal of Water Resources Development, Volume 31, Issue 3, (September 2015) 301-11 (with Tony Allan and Martin Keulertz).
- “Financial Challenges of the Nexus: Pathways for Investment in Water, Energy and Agriculture in the Arab World,” International Journal of Water Resources Development, Volume 31, Issue 3, (September 2015), 312-25 (with Martin Keulertz).
- “Environment, Food Security and Conflict Narratives in the Middle East,” Global Environment, Vol. 7, Issue 2 (2014). doi:
- “Mining Strategies in the Middle East and North Africa,” Third World Quarterly, Vol. 35, Issue 6 (2014) 939-957. doi:
- “The Governance of Gulf Agro-Investments,” in Globalizations, Vol. 10, Issue 1, Special Issue: Governing the Global Land Grab (February 2013) 87-104. doi:
- “Arab Food, Water and the Big Landgrab that Wasn’t,” The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Vol. 18, Issue 1 (Fall/ Winter 2011) 119-132.
- “GCC Stock Markets: Managing the Crisis,” Gulf Papers (Dubai: Gulf Research Center, 2007)
- “GCC Stock Markets at Risk,” Gulf Papers (Dubai: Gulf Research Center, 2006)
- “The Role of Gold in the Unified GCC Currency,” Gulf Papers (Dubai: Gulf Research Center, 2005
Articles in Edited Volume
- Woertz, Eckart (2020), Myths about Food Security and Water, in: Cairo Review of Global Affairs, 36
- “Energy Politics in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)”, in The Oxford Handbook of Energy Politics, Kathleen Hancock and Juliann Allison (eds.), (Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2019) (forthcoming). doi:
- “Food and Water Security in West Asia,” in The Oxford Handbook of Water, Food, and Society, Tony Allan, Brendan Bromwich, Anthony Colman and Martin Keulertz, (eds.) (Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2018). doi:
- "Geopolitics, Food and Agriculture." In Crisis and Conflict in Agriculture, Rami Zurayk, Eckart Woertz and Rachel Bahn (eds.), (Wallingford, Oxfordshire ; Boston: CABI), 28-39.
- “Tunisian Phosphates and the Politics of the Periphery,” in Political Economy of the Environment in the Middle East and North Africa, Harry Verhoeven (ed.) (London: Hurst; New York: Oxford University Press, 2018) (with Francis Ghilès). doi:
- “Economic Aspects of Counter-Secession Strategies,” in Secession and Counter-Secession: An International Relations Perspective, eds. Diego Muro and Eckart Woertz (Barcelona: CIDOB, 2018)
- "The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Arid Regions: The Politics of Problemsheds" in Oxford Handbook of Water Politics and Policy, Ken Conca and Erika Weinthal (eds.) (Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press 2016) (with Martin Keulertz, Jeannnie Sowers and Rabi Mohtar)
- L’acord sobre el clima de París i els Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible: són règims polítics que es reforcen o que es debiliten mútuament? Revista econòmica de Catalunya, 73, pp. 44-49. 2016 (with Luigi Carafa)
- “Saudi Arabia, the Horn of Africa and the Geopolitics of the Red Sea,” in Neil Patrick (ed.) Saudi Arabian Foreign Policy (London: I.B. Tauris, 2016) (with Harry Verhoeven)
- “The Atlantic Trade of Agricultural and Mineral Commodities,” in German Marshal Fund of the United States (GFMUS) and OCP Policy Center, Atlantic Currents. An Annual Report on Wider Atlantic Perspectives and Patterns, (Washington D.C.; Rabat, October 2014) 33-49
- “Historic Food Regimes and the Middle East,” in Zahra Babar and Suzi Mirgani (eds.) Food Security in the Middle East (London: Hurst ; New York: Oxford University Press 2014)
- “The Gulf and Asia: Cooperation or Competition for Food Security?” in Sara Bazoobandi (ed.), The Politics of Food Security. Asian and Middle Eastern Strategies (Berlin; London: Gerlach Press 2014), 17-34
- “Europe Alone at Home? The EU, Energy Security and the MENA Region,” in Gianluca Sadun Bordoni (ed.) Il Mediterraneo dopo la Primavera arabe (Rome: Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2013)
- “Food Security in the United Arab Emirates,” in Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) (ed.) Water and Food Security in the Arabian Gulf (Abu Dhabi: ECSSR, 2013)
- “Saudi Arabia,” in Hanns Günther Hilpert, Stormy-Annika Mildner (eds.) Unilateralism or International Cooperation? Analysis and Comparison of Raw Materials Strategies in the G20 States, (Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik/ German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), February 2013)
- “The Global Food Crisis and the Gulf’s Quest for Africa’s Agricultural Potential,” in Tony Allan, Martin Keulertz, Suvi Sojamo, Jeroen Warner (eds.), Handbook of Land and Water Grabs in Africa: Foreign Direct Investments and Food and Water Security (London, New York: Routledge 2012), 104-119
- “Logistics and Economic Development in the GCC Countries,” in Giacomo Luciani (ed.), Resource Blessed. GCC Economic Development and Diversification (Berlin, London: Gerlach, 2012)
- “The Gulf, the Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa: Cooperation for Food Security?” in Francesc Badia i Dalmases (ed.), Transitions in North Africa in Times of Scarcity. Finance, Employment, Energy & Food. The Mediterranean in a Multipolar World up to 2030. Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) in cooperation with OCP Foundation/ Rabat, Barcelona, March 2012, 17-24
- “Oil, the Dollar and the Stability of the International Financial System,” in Robert Looney (ed.), Handbook of Oil Politics (London, New York: Routledge, 2012)
- “Gulf Sovereign Wealth Funds in International Comparison,” in Woertz (2012)
- “Repercussions of Dubai’s Debt Crisis,” in Woertz (2012)
- “Prospects of the Banking and Finance Sector and the Development of Financial Centers,” in Woertz (2012)
- “The Gulf Food Import Dependence and Trade Restrictions of Agro Exporters in 2008,” in: Simon J. Evenett (ed.), Will Stabilisation Limit Protectionism? The 4th GTA Report. A Focus on the Gulf Region (London: Center for Economic Policy Research, 2010)
- “The Gulf Economies in 2008,” Gulf Yearbook 2008-2009 (Dubai: Gulf Research Center, 2009)
- “Gulf Cooperation Council: With Oil Buffer into the Crisis,” (in German), in Hanns Günther Hilpert, Stormy Mildner (ed.), Globale Ordnungspolitik am Scheideweg. Eine Analyse der aktuellen Finanzmarktkrise, (Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik/ German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), February 2009)
- “The Gulf Economies in 2007,” in Gulf Yearbook 2007-2008 (Dubai: Gulf Research Center, 2008)
- “Economic Potential and Inter State Relations in the GCC,” (in German), in Gerhard Wahlers (ed.), Im Fadenkreuz der Großmächte. Die Geopolitik der Golfregion, (Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 2008)
- “A New Age of Petrodollar Recycling,” in: Woertz (2007)
- “Strategic Foreign Investments of GCC Countries,” (with John Sfakianakis), in: Woertz (2007)
- “The GCC Economies in 2006,” Gulf Yearbook 2006-2007 (Dubai: Gulf Research Center, 2007)
- "From Colonization to Globalization: The Failure of the National Developmental State in Egypt," (in German), in: Feldbauer, P./ et al. (ed.), From the World Economic Crisis to the Globalization Crisis (1929-1999). Which Way for the Periphery? (Brandes und Apsel: Frankfurt, Südwind: Wien 1999) (Historische Sozialkunde/IE 15) (with S. A. Bahadir)
Policy Papers and Reports
- “The Russian War against Ukraine: Middle East Food Security at Risk”, GIGA Focus Middle East, 02/2022, Hamburg: GIGA
- Population Growth and Security in Africa: Myth or Underestimated Risk? Policy Paper 2021 (with Matthias Basedau and Charlotte Heyl)
- When “Pariahs” Go Green: Energy Transitions in the Middle East and the Biden Administration”, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 14 April 2021
- “COVID-19 in the Middle East and North Africa: Reactions, Vulnerabilities, Prospects”, GIGA Focus Middle East, 02/2020, Hamburg: GIGA
- Woertz, Eckart (2020), COVID-19 in the Middle East and North Africa: Reactions, Vulnerabilities, Prospects, GIGA Focus Middle East, 02/2020, Hamburg: GIGA
Woertz, Eckart (2019), Aramco Goes Public: The Saudi Diversification Conundrum, GIGA Focus Middle East, 05/2019, Hamburg: GIGA - “Remunicipalisation of local energy provision: The Role of Cities and Bottom-up Initiatives”, CIDOB Policy Brief 20, May 2019 (with Dario Quadri Ilkhani)
- “Restoration, Transformation and Adaptation: Authoritarianism after 2011 in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iran”, MENARA Working Paper No. 30, Rome: IAI, January 2019 (with Rasmus Alenius Boserup, Hiba Hassan, Erzsébet N. Rózsa and Luciano Zaccara)
- “Perceptions of EU Agricultural and Rural Development Policies in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean by European Stakeholders”, MEDRESET Working Paper, No 25 (Rome: IAI, 2018)
- “Mediterranean Cities, the Urban Dimension of the European Neighborhood Policy,” Notas Internacionales 202 (Barcelona: CIDOB, October 2018)
- “Embeddedness of the MENA in Economic Globalization Processes,” MENARA Working Paper No. 8, Rome: IAI, June 2018 (with Irene Martinez)
- “Bahrain’s Economy: Oil Prices, Economic Diversification, Saudi Support, and Political Uncertainties,” Notas Internacionales 189 (Barcelona: CIDOB, February 2018)
- “Gobiernos locales y regionales: socios frente al cambio climático. Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre cambio climático 2017 (COP23)” Notas Internacionales 188 (Barcelona: CIDOB, 2018) (with Paula de Castro)
- “Effectiveness and Potential of European Trade and Assistance Policies in the South Mediterranean Neighbourhood in the Fields of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development”, MEDRESET Project Methodology and Concept Papers, No. 7, September 2017 (with Jad Chaaban, Ali Chalak, Tala Ismail, Yasmine Abou Taha and Irene Martinez)
- Future of Syria, Report, (Barcelona: IEMed, EuroMeSCo, GPOT, 2017) (with Mensur Akgün, Sylvia Tiryaki, Omar Sheira, Michael Asiedu, Nazlı Ersoy, Sena Kekeç, Salam Kawakibi, Jordi Quero and Eduard Soler)
- “Demographic and Economic Material Factors in the MENA Region,” MENARA Working Papers, No. 3 (with Musa McKee, Martin Keulertz, Negar Habibi and Mark Mulligan), October 2017
- Populism in Europe: from Symptom to Alternative? (ed.) CIDOB Report No. 1 (Barcelona: CIDOB, April, 2017)
- “The World in 2017: Ten Issues that Will Set the International Agenda,” Notas Interacionales 165, (Barcelona: CIDOB, 2017) (with Eduard Soler)
- “Material Factors for the MENA Region: Data Sources, Trends and Drivers,” MENARA Methodology and Concept Papers, No. 3, December 2016 (with Martin Keulertz, Mark Mulligan, Emanuela Menichetti and Sven Biscop)
- US Presidential Election. What Scenarios for the World after Obama? (ed.) (Barcelona: CIDOB, October 2016)
- Olympics and Cities: Opportunities, Ambitions and Failures, (ed.) (Barcelona: CIDOB, July 2016)
- The EU’s Energy Diplomacy: Transatlantic and Foreign Policy Implications, European Parliament Think Tank Study (Brussels: European Parliament 2016) (with Fienitz, M., Jorgensen, H., Sprague, A., Fazilat, A. & Gangolells, B)
- “The Geo-Economics of Gulf Food Imports,” Jadaliyya, 13 January 2016
- “The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in MENA,” Oxford Energy Forum, Issue 102, November 2015
- “More to Come? The Refugee Situation in the Middle East and the EU,” Notas Internacionales 127, (Barcelona: CIDOB, September 2015)
- The Impact of Food Price Volatility and Food Inflation on Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries, CIDOB report for Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), Barcelona, October 2014 (with Eduard Soler, Oriol Farrés and Anna Busquets)
- “How Long Will ISIS Last Economically?” Notas Internacionales 98, (Barcelona: CIDOB, October 2014)
- “Implications of the Ukraine Crisis for the Middle East,” Notas Internacionales 87, (Barcelona: CIDOB, April 2014) (with Eduard Soler)
- "The Domestic Challenges in the Saudi Energy Market and their Regional and Geopolitical Implications," Norwegian Peacebuiliding Resource Center (NOREF), Policy Brief, 29 November, 2013
- “Syria’s War Economy and Prospects of Reconstruction,” Notas Internacionales 77, (Barcelona: CIDOB, September 2013).
- “Syria Under Stress. Did Drought Trigger The Crisis In Syria?” Footnote1, Analysis, 12 September 2013, (with Jeannie Sowers and John Waterbury)
- “Oil for Food: Big Business in the Middle East,” World Financial Review, 28 January 2013
- “To Bail Out or Not? Germany, ‘Madame No’ and the Euro Crisis,” Notas Internacionales 63, (Barcelona: CIDOB, November 2012)
- “Qatar and Europe’s Neglect of the Gulf Region,” Notas Internacionales, 46, (Barcelona: CIDOB, February 2012)
- “Gulf Food Security and Agricultural Cooperation with Africa,” Background Paper, Gulf Africa Investment Conference, Riyadh, December 2010
- “Country Fact Sheet – Saudi Arabia,” in: Christoph Pohlmann, Stephan Reichert, Hubert René Schillinger (eds.), The G-20: “A Global Economic Government” in the Making?” International Policy Analysis, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, June 2010
- “Challenges of Financial Sector Regulation after the Global Financial Crisis,” in: Gulf Research Center and Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, The Global Economy 2020, Background Papers for Jeddah Economic Forum 2010, Dubai/ Jeddah 2010
- “Global Food Security: Issues and Concerns,” in: Gulf Research Center and Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, The Global Economy 2020, Background Papers for Jeddah Economic Forum 2010, Dubai/ Jeddah 2010
- “U.S.-Arab Economic Relations and the Obama Administration,” (with Nader Habibi), Middle East Brief No. 34, February 2009, Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Brandeis University
- “Implications of Dubai’s Debt Troubles,” GRC Report (Dubai: Gulf Research Center, December 2009)
- “Impact of the US Financial Crisis on GCC Countries,” GRC Report, (Dubai: Gulf Research Center, October 2008)
- “The Potential for GCC Agro Investments in Africa and Central Asia,” (with Samir Pradhan, Nermina Biberovic and Chan Jinzhong), GRC Report (Dubai: Gulf Research Center, September 2008)
- “Alternative Energy Trends and Implications for GCC Countries,” GRC Report, July 2008
- “Food Inflation in the GCC Countries,” (with Samir Pradhan and Nermina Biberovic) GRC Report (Dubai: Gulf Research Center, May 2008)
- “GCC Bond Markets,” GRC Report (Dubai: Gulf Research Center, April 2008)
- “Middle East@Risk. A Global Risk Network Briefing”, (with Charles Emmerson and Christian Koch), (Geneva: World Economic Forum, 2007)
- “Saudi Arabia: Energy Giant between Geopolitical Reorientation and Domestic Reform,” (in German), Friedrich Ebert Foundation, FES-Analyse (Bonn, September 2006)
- "The Crisis of Labour as Crisis of Unions: The Independent Union Movement in Egypt," (in German), in INAMO, No. 18, Summer 1999
- "Introduction", in Friedrich Ebert Foundation (ed.), Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Conference on Economic Development, Industrial Relations and the Role of Trade Union Organisations (Bonn: 1999)
- “Vaccine Diplomacy in the MENA Region”, Middle East Institute, 14 April 2021 (with Roie Yellinek)
- “Apoyando desde atrás: la política alemana en oriente medio”, Annuario Internacional CIDOB, 1 May 2020,
- Araa Magazine, 30 April 2020العلاقات الأمريكية ـ السعودية منذ اجتماع كوينسي: معادلة النفط والأمن,
- „Aramco: Öl und Macht“, aufbau, 6 April 2020,
- “With an exiled president Skyping from Brussels, where now for Catalan independence?” The Conversation, 26 January 2018 (with Diego Muro)
- “Merkel and Who?”, CIDOB Opinión 496, September 2017
- “Abandoning Oil. How do countries whose wealth is built on fossil fuels transition to a low-carbon, sustainable future?” UNA-UK Climate 2020, 18. September 2017 (with Luigi Carafa)
- “El compromiso de la Unión Europea con los Objectivos de Desarollo Sostenible a examen,” Temas No. 272, July 2017 (with Irene Martinez)
- “Food Security in Iraq: Politics Matter”, IFPRI-Arab Spatial, Arab Food and Nutrition Security Blog, 2 May 2017
- “It’s not funded just by oil and looting. How the Islamic State uses agriculture,” Monkey Cage Blog, Washington Post, 27 September 2016 (with Hadi Jaafar)
- “Regional Elections in Germany: Increasing Pressure on Merkel and Fragmentation of the Political Landscape,” CIDOB Opinión 392, March 2016
- “L'Aràbia Saudita, aïllada al cor del món àrab,” Ara, 12 February 2016
- “Syria: Another Foolish War on Terror?” CIDOB Opinión 372, December 2015
- "Spilling the Beans, Riyadh Style," CIDOB Opinión 329, 20 May 2015
- “The Myth of Climate and Water Wars in the Middle East,“ (in Spanish) El Pais, 8 May 2015
- “Saudi Arabian Nightmares,” CIDOB Opinión 317, April 2015
- “Gulf Food Security: Strategic Concerns, Nutrition and the Necessity for Trade,” IFPRI-Arab Spatial, Arab Food and Nutrition Security Blog, 23 February 2015
- “Egypt: Return of the Deep State,” openDemocracy, 20 January 2014
- "Neither Euro-Dämmerung nor Grand Bargain: Implications of the German Elections for Spain," CIDOB Opinión 205, September 2013
- “What Do Syrians Eat? Food and the War Economy,” openDemocracy, 12 September 2013
- “Personalities vs. Institutions: Lessons of Qatar’s Transiton,” CIDOB Opinión 199, June 2013
- “Gulf Maghreb Relations,“ GRC Analysis, May 20, 2013
- “Poor Gulf: Inequality and the Lack of Statistics,” GRC Analysis, April 11, 2013
- "Failure to Launch? Gulf Food Security Initiatives," GRC Anlaysis, February 5, 2013
- “Mirage in the Desert: The Myth of Africa's Land Grab,” CNN, July 5, 2012 (with Harry Verhoeven)
- “How To Lower the Price of Oil. The Road to Cheaper Gas at the Pump Runs through Riyadh,” Foreign Policy, 18 April 2012 (with Bernard Haykel and Giacomo Luciani)
- “Bahrain’s Oil Dependence,” (in German, Bahrain hängt am Tropf), Neue Züricher Zeitung, March 1, 2011
- “FDI in the Arab World: Why so Much is Still so Little,” Tharawat Magazine, Vol. 7, July 2010
- “Revisit Investment Strategy,” Financial Times, July 22, 2009
- “Gulf States Need Dollar Hedge,” Gulf News, July 15, 2009
- “Away from Oil, Onwards to Stuttgart,” (in German, Weg vom Öl, auf nach Stuttgart), Süddeutsche Zeitung, March 25, 2009
- “Gulf Food Security Needs Delicate Diplomacy,” Financial Times, March 4, 2009
- “Don’t Believe the Dubai Hype, Good or Bad,” Forbes, February 24, 2009
- “Gulf States Need a More Co-ordinated Response to Crisis,” (with Nader Habibi), The National, October 20, 2008
- “Financial Crisis and the Investment Strategies of Oil-rich Gulf States,” Khaleej Times, September 29, 2008
- “GCC Likely to Buck Trend of Foreign Investment,” The National, September 28, 2008
- “US and Gulf Interdependence, ” Financial Times, May 28, 2008
- “GCC Subprime Woes,” GRC Analysis, April 2008
- “The Silence of the Sheikhs,” (in German, Das Schweigen der Scheichs, with Tilman Woertz), Die Zeit, March 27, 2008
- “A Win-Win Partnership,” Khaleej Times, February 8, 2008
- “Common Market More Important than Common Currency,” Arab News, December 10, 2007
- “China-GCC: Lots of Trade, Little Investment,” GRC Gulf-Asia Research Bulletin, No. 3, November 2007
- “Demography and Political Violence in the Middle East,” Gulf Monitor, No. 6, October 2007
- “West’s Growing Fear of State Funds,” The Peninsula, July 31, 2007
- “Abu Dhabi Bonds to Serve as Benchmark for the Corporate Bond Sector,” Khaleej Times, July 16, 2007
- “Overlooked and Understated: EU-GCC Economic Cooperation,” Gulf Monitor, No. 4, June 2007
- “To Peg or not to Peg,” Daily Star, May 26, 2007
- “Forget the Forbes List,” Khaleej Times, March 17, 2007
- “Mining- Next Investment Boom in GCC,” Arab News, January 8, 2007
- “The Coming Mining Investment Boom in the Arabian Gulf,” (, , December 21, 2006)
- “High Rents Hurt Dubai Economy,”, November 25, 2006
- “Price of Progress,” Khaleej Times, November 14, 2006
- “The Gulf and a New Age of Petrodollar Recycling,” Gulf Monitor, No.1 (Dubai: Gulf Research Center, November 2006)
- “The Mineral and Mining Industry of the GCC,” GRC Economic Research Bulletin, No.2, October 2006
- “FTAs ring Alarm Bells to Bahrain, Oman,” The Peninsula, October 6, 2006
- “IBCB Bank IPO Highlights Gulf Interest in China,” The Daily Star, October 2, 2006
- “Geo Strategic Oil Interests in the Gulf,” Pipeline Magazine, August 28, 2006
- “Why the Arab Countries Continue to Embrace the Doomed Dollar,”, June 29, 2006
- “Diversify: Solar Power for the Gulf,” AMEinfo, June 15, 2006
- “The Flipside of the Commodities Boom: Import Dependencies of the Gulf,” AMEinfo, June 6, 2006
- “Reversing the One Way Street of German-UAE Trade Relations,”, May 14, 2006
- “Mirages of Western Gold Bugs: The Islamic Gold Dinar, The Iranian Oil Bourse and the Gold Standard”,,, May 8, 2006
- “Hollywood, Bollywood…, Dubaiwood?” Saudi Gazette, May 4, 2006
- “Towards a GCC Bond Market,” Gulf News, April 25, 2006
- “Why Foreigners won’t buy Saudi Stocks,” Arab News, April 17, 2006
- “Time for Gulf Economies to Increase Gold Reserves,” The Daily Star, March 30, 2006
Book Reviews
- “Food and geopolitics: when food security and hard security considerations converge”, Mini Review, CAB Reviews 13, No. 047, 2018
- Mari Luomi, The Gulf Monarchies and Climate Change: Abu Dhabi and Qatar in an Era of Natural Unsustainability, Journal of Arabian Studies, 6:1, 121-123, 2016
- Leonard Binder (ed.), Rebuilding Devastated Economies in the Middle East (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), GRC Book Review, April 2008
- Nayan Chanda, Bound Together: How Traders, Preachers, Adventurers and Warriors Shaped Globalization, (Yale University Press, 2007), GRC Book Review, January 2009